
 餐饮资讯     |      http://www.jiaolezhijijiameng.com
  摘 要
  In the high-speed economic development of the city environment, food andbeverage companies have mushroomed emerge. Also increasingly competitiveenvironment, food and beverage companies to survive also encountered a greatchallenge. Many food and beverage companies are also seeking their way, and somedevelop their own characteristics, and some change their position, but one thing is thatall food and beverage companies are coincides want to explore, that is, the operatingcosts of the enterprise optimization.
  From the actual situation starting JDL catering company, hopes to operatingcosts were optimized to reduce unnecessary JDL catering business operating costs, ithas been to reduce the burden on enterprises, to corporate “downsizing” purposes.
  Although JDL catering enterprises cost control ideas, but only a stay in themanagement philosophy of thinking, there is no concrete measures to makecost-optimized control according to the actual situation. With the help of the operatingcosts and costs related to the management theory by department, part of the JDLcatering business analysis and research, pointed out that the cost optimizationmeasures JDL catering business at inadequate cost management and presentation.
  Cost management analysis, this paper first carried out by the enterprise organizationalstructure analysis, cost management situation reanalysis JDL catering company, andthen analyze the reasons for its operating cost management problems and issuesarising. The last sub-sector sub-sectors proposed the implementation of costoptimization measures, and Effect Evaluation.
  In this paper, optimization of operating costs in order to provide food andbeverage management cost management ideas, but also to catering operators bettercatering enterprise “reduced fat downsizing” is the business better, easierdevelopment.
  Key Words:operation cost ;cost optimization; receiverships

  目 录
  摘 要
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 选题的背景和意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国内研究现状
  1.2.2 国外研究现状
  1.2.3 国内外研究文献评述
  1.3 研究内容和研究方法
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.3.3 技术路线
  第 2 章 经营成本概述及相关理论
  2.1 经营成本概述
  2.1.1 经营成本概念及组成
  2.1.2 经营成本分类
  2.1.3 餐饮业经营成本的特点
  2.2 理论基础
  2.2.1 成本管理理论
  2.2.2 经营成本与企业效益的关系
  2.2.3 成本管理方法以及流程
  2.2.4 成本优化的意义及原则
  第 3 章 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理现状
  3.1 金达莱餐饮企业公司概况
  3.1.1 金达莱餐饮企业经营状况
  3.1.2 金达莱餐饮公司组织结构
  3.2 金达莱餐饮公司经营成本管理现状
  3.2.1 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本构成
  3.2.2 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理状况
  第 4 章 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理存在的问题及成因分析
  4.1 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理存在的主要问题
  4.2 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理存在问题成因分析
  4.2.1 厨房成本管理制度不完善
  4.2.2 采购环节成本管理不规范
  4.2.3 仓储环节成本管理有缺陷
  4.2.4 服务环节成本管理效率低
  4.2.5 餐饮管理层沟通决策不畅
  第 5 章 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理优化措施
  5.1 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理优化原则
  5.2 餐饮成本管理优化体系构建
  5.2.1 金达莱餐饮企业目标成本的制定
  5.2.2 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理流程
  5.3 餐饮成本管理优化具体实施
  5.3.1 餐饮成本管理优化实施主体
  5.3.2 餐饮成本管理优化实施方法
  5.4 本章小结
  第 6 章 金达莱餐饮企业经营成本管理优化实施效果评价
  6.1 采购环节经营成本管理优化实施效果评价
  6.2 生产环节经营成本管理优化实施效果评价
  6.3 其他环节经营成本管理优化实施效果评价
  第 7 章 结论与展望
  7.1 研究结论
  7.2 研究不足及展望
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